Kris Parts

Some experts classify tosan aji keris as a stabbing weapon, so the main part of a keris is wilah (blades) or its lay language is like a blade. But since Kris has other equipment, namely wrangka (sarong) and the grip dagger or engraving, the unity of all the accessories called keris.

* Handle kris
This keris grip assortment of motives, for Balinese keris No sculpture resembling a god, sculpture pedande, raksaka sculpture, statue dancer, ascetic, forest, and there are carved with gold and precious stones kinatah.

Keris Handbook describes Sulawesi sea birds. It was a symbol of the most professional people who are sailors Sulawesi, while the bird is a symbol of the world for safety. As well as the bird's head motif used in Riau kris Linga, and for other areas as aji tosan development centers such as Aceh, Bangkinang (Riau), Palembang, Sambas, Kutai, Bugis, Luwu, Java, Madura and Sulu, has carved dagger and a different symbol. In addition, the material used was derived from a variety of materials such as ivory, bone, metal, and wood are the most.

To handle Javanese kris, largely composed of wingking sirah (the back of the head), jiling, cigir, shallow, bathuk (forehead), weteng and cauliflower.

* Wrangka or Frame
Wrangka, order or sarong keris is part (completeness) dagger that has a specific function, especially in the social life of the people of Java, as part wrangka this is directly seen by the public. Wrangka the first (mostly) made of wood (teak, sandalwood, Timoho, yellow, etc.), then in accordance with the times then wrangka function changes (as a reflection of social status for its users). Then the top or ladrang-Gayaman often replaced with ivory.

Broadly speaking there are two kinds of wrangka, the type wrangka ladrang comprising parts: tweezers, lata, beard, gandek, Godong (shaped like leaves), axle, ri and cangkring. And the other type is the type wrangka Gayaman (Gandon) which parts are similar to wrangka ladrang but no tweezers, Godong and gandek.

Rules wrangka use this form been determined, although it is not absolute. Wrangka ladrang used for official ceremonies, let the king, another court official events (coronation, royal appointments, marriage, etc.) with the intention of respect. The procedure is to use slip axle dagger in the folds of the belt (Stagen) on the back of the waist (including as consideration for the safety of the king). While wrangka Gayaman used for daily purposes, and the dagger was placed on the front (near the waist) or behind (back waist).

In war, the use is kris wrangka Gayaman, consideration is in terms of practical and concise, because more Gayaman wrangka allows fast and easy to move, due to its more simple.

Ladrang and Gayaman a wrangka-shape pattern, and the main part by wrangka function is shaped bottom length (along wilah dagger) called axle or antupan, then the function is to wrap wilah axle (blades) and are usually made of wood (considered to not damage the metal wilah mix).

Because the axle to wrap function, so the function of beauty does not come first, then to beautify it will be coated as shell-cylinder called pendok. Part pendok (shell layer) is usually carved very beautiful, made of brass, Suasa (a mixture of copper gold), silver, gold. For areas outside of Java (the kings of Bugis, Goa, Palembang, Riau, Bali) pendoknya made of gold, along with decorations such as embroidery string of gold and studded with diamonds flowers.

For Javanese kris, according pendok shape there are three kinds, namely (1) pendok bunton shaped shells without hemisphere flat on its side, (2) pendok cantaloupe (blengah) split lengthwise up on one end so that the axle will be seen, and (3) pendok topengan the splittings only located in the middle. When viewed from the decorations, there are two kinds pendok pendok pendok ornate and plain (without engraving).

* Wilah
Wilah or wilahan is a major part of a dagger, and also consists of certain parts that are not the same for each wilahan, which is usually called the kitchen, or in the form of naming various wilah-bar (there are dozens of forms of the kitchen). For example, it can be mentioned the kitchen tall Virgin, bachelor lola, pinarak, crown murub, cauliflower, kebo Tedan, pudak sitegal, etc..

At the base there wilahan Pesi, which is the lower end of the stalk of a keris or kris. These sections into dagger handles (engraving). Pesi in length between 5 cm to 7 cm, with a cross section of about 5 mm to 10 mm, elliptical shaped like a pencil. In the area of ​​East Java, called pivot, Riau called a nipple, while for local Sarawak, Brunei and Malaysia called punting.

At the base (base dagger) or the bottom of a keris called cannabis (for local calls aring Malay peninsula). In the middle there is a hole Pesi (round) just to enter Pesi, so that the integral wilah and marijuana. Aji tosan cultural observers say that it symbolizes unity unity phallus and yoni, which represent the epitome of marijuana while Pesi symbolizes yoni lingganya. Ganja-shaped lizard is quick, the front is called sirah lizard, called Gulu meled the neck, abdomen and tail are called wetengan called Sebit ron. Various forms of ganja was different, wilut, dungkul, leeches and Sebit rontal flashing.

 Luk, is part of the winding-wilah keris and keris can be seen from the shape divided into two major categories, namely keris keris blade straight and meandering or luk. One simple way to calculate luk on the bar, starting from the base to the tip of the keris dagger, calculated from the convex side and done on both sides of the side of the (right-left), the last number is the number of adherents to wilah-blades and the number is always odd (odd) and never even, and the smallest is luk three (3) and most are luk thirteen (13). If there are a number of luk keris his more than thirteen, usually called kalawija kris or keris is not uncommon.